Reiki treatment

Maybe you have read extensively about the healing effect of Reiki on the Pages What is Reiki and the Usui system of Reiki.
Healing on all levels
Receiving one or more Reiki treatments can be very healing. Physically as well as emotionally and mentally. Reiki brings you closer to your authentic self. It makes you whole again and gives you strength. Not the strength to become someone you want to be. Rather to let go of who you are not. Reiki also helps you to recognize the patterns in yourself that have a negative effect on you and to let these go.
Your natural pace
In our lives we have often hidden a lot emotionally. We can suffer from this in our emotional life and a lot of this can get stuck in our body. Physical or mental complaints can also arise for other reasons. Reiki does not release this in one go. It heals you at the pace that suits you as a person. On the one hand, you get more clarity in a calm way. On the other hand, you become more your real self and blockages will heal. The result is that you will also feel more self-esteem, joy and happiness. The treatments bring you closer to your joy of life at a natural pace. And a deeper realization of the meaning and purpose of your life arises.
How does it work?
The form of a Reiki treatment is simple. During a Reiki treatment you lie on a treatment table. The practitioner will lay his or her hands on your dressed body in a certain pattern. Through this touch, Reiki will flow to you through the hands of the practitioner. This is usually experienced as warmth and/or a pleasant tingling, but also other sensations are possible. A complete Reiki treatment takes at least one hour and may take up to about two hours, depending on your physical and/or mental-emotional health.
Multiple Reiki treatments
For the treatment of a chronic or long-lasting condition or if you’re emotionally not feeling well for some time, it is advisable to start with a series of four Reiki treatments; One Reiki treatment per day for four consecutive days. During this preparation of the body, Reiki can deeply go to the source of the condition and give you a solid start in the healing process. After these four treatments, it is ideal to receive a Reiki treatment at least once a week. In the meanwhile, the effect of the treatments will integrate and the healing process will deepen until the complaints have disappeared completely.
Chronic conditions require years to develop. Although there are certainly experiences of miraculous improvements to the physical or mental-emotional symptoms, it can take months for the person to work through all the different phases of the healing process..
In addition, it is also possible to choose for Personal Guidance. If you want this, you can let us know when making an appointment.

Or just because…
Also if there are no problems, it can of course be nice to receive a Reiki treatment from time to time. For example, to get more energy, to support your own development and health, to relax, to take care of yourself or just because it’s really nice to receive a Reiki treatment. Allowing yourself to receive a Reiki treatment can be a wonderful gift to yourself.
Practical information
- A Reiki treatment costs € 75, =.
- Four Reiki treatments during four consecutive days costs € 280, =.
- Seven Reiki treatments during seven consecutive days costs € 450, =.
- In case of a partial treatment for acute condition, the price depends on the complaint and the duration of te Reiki treatment.
- A Reiki distant treatment costs 75,=. *
- Four Reiki distant treatments during four consecutive days costs € 280, =. *
- A Reiki treatment with mental healing costs € 95, =. **
- An intake interview for approximately 30 minutes is free of charge.
* A Reiki distant treatment is no substitute for a hands-on treatment, but when you can’t make it to our practice, a distant treatment can be effective. Especially helpful in emergency situations.
** Only for people who have received several treatments or who practice Reiki themselves.
Perfume free: We have a request for everyone who comes to us. Namely not to put on perfume, aftershave or other synthetic fragrances on the day of the Reiki treatment. A little deodorant is usually not a problem.
Making an appointment
Would you like to make an appointment for a Reiki treatment? Please feel free to contact us (or leave a message) or visit our store to make an appointment. You can maken an appoint for a treatment with Marcel or with Annette.
All people who give treatments and/or courses in our Reiki center have agreed to a Code of Ethics (see Dutch page Ethiekcode).
Canceling or rescheduling an appointment
If you reschedule or cancel an appointment at least 48 hours in advance by telephone (if necessary, leave a message on the answering machine) you do not have to pay for it.
If you reschedule or cancel later or do not show up, the costs for the appointment remain 100% due for the time held free.
We also work together with Reiki Works