Reiki Information session

We ask anyone who is thinking about doing a Reiki course to come to a Reiki information session first. On the one hand, this way we can get to know each other personally. On the other hand, you get a good impression of where the course is given and whether you feel comfortable here. This is not only important, but also very personal for everyone. Next to the Dutch information evenings, it’s possible to schedule a Reiki information session in English too.
Correct information
By coming to an information session, we also know that you have a good impression of Reiki. Both about the practice of Reiki and what it means in your daily life. This is nice, among other things, because there is more nonsense written about Reiki on the internet and in books than correct things. Choosing a Reiki course is not something to do in a hurry. It is not taught in the same way everywhere and although it is offered, it is not possible to learn the Usui system of Reiki in one day or to learn it online.
Short Questions
If you just have some short questions about Reiki, we can usually take some time for that in our shop (please indicate this when making the shop appointment) or by phone. From there you can still choose to come to a Reiki information session.
Content of the session
A Reiki information session in English are for those who understand little or no Dutch. They can be scheduled by appointment. During this session we can give you a good impression of Reiki. Both about the energy and what the practice of Reiki entails. We will tell you more about:
- Reiki in general.
- The history of Reiki.
- The traditional, original system of Reiki.
- The purpose of Reiki.
- The healing effect on a physical, emotional and spiritual level.
- What the courses look like.
- The practical practice/application in your daily life.
- What is expected of you if you want to learn Reiki.
- Our personal path with Reiki (if interested)
And of course we also take the time to answer questions.
Reiki treatment
In addition to this information, we recommend that you have received at least one Reiki treatment from someone who practices this system of Reiki. Then you know what it feels like before you choose to practice Reiki yourself. This can be a Reiki treatment from a family member or friend or you can make an appointment with us for this.

Practical information
The Reiki information sessions in English are scheduled by appointment and given in our Reiki center in The Hague.
Because Annette’s attention with Reiki is now being asked for other things, she is not giving any courses at the moment. That is why the information sessions are currently only given by Marcel. The sessions can be for you personally or for more people if you wish.
Practical information
The Reiki information sessions are completely free of charge and without obligation.
The duration of an information session is approximately one hour.
It is also possible to arrange a Reiki treatment afterwards (please indicate this clearly when making an appointment, so that we can reserve sufficient time for it). If you would like to schedule for a Reiki information session, please contact us by telephone or let us know when you are in our store.
The Reiki Information sessions are done by Marcel Vis.
The Reiki information sessions can be scheduled on weekdays or in the weekend, between 10.00 AM and 5.00 PM.
Courses in English
Every other month we schedule a first degree Reiki course in Englisch. You can see the dates in the Englisch planning.
We also work together with Reiki Works