Reiki treatment evening in de Oorsprong Den Haag

nederlands-netherlands-flagReiki Treatment evening

usui shiki ryoho

Giving and receiving
The Reiki treatment evenings arose from the desire of Reiki students to give – and receive Reiki treatments with other people practicing this system and with support where needed.

Giving and receiving Reiki treatments is a beautiful and valuable way to heal and grow in and with Reiki. They improve your health, give you the opportunity for deeper relaxation and support your spiritual/inner growth.
Reiki self-treatments are the cornerstone of the practice and it is recommended to treat yourself on a daily basis. Furthermore we also encourage you to regularly give and receive Reiki treatments. The various Reiki treatment evenings we organize are a good and safe opportunity to do so.

Various treatment evenings
In the course of time, three types of Reiki treatment evenings have come into existence:
the Reiki treatment evenings at ‘de Oorsprong’,
the Reiki II treatment evening in De Oorsprong.

Reiki treatment evenings at ‘de Oorsprong’

Supporting your practice
Aside from the treatment itself, these evenings offer the opportunity to – where necessary – put the finishing touches to giving a Reiki treatment. By giving a treatment ‘under supervision’, assistance is available when desired. This increases confidence and ease when giving a treatment, which can help you feel more comfortable giving treatments to your family or friends. During these evenings you’ll have the chance to ask questions, both practically and related to your personal and spiritual growth. Naturally, the treatment evenings also give you the opportunity to meet other people with Reiki, share experiences etc.

Practical information
The Reiki treatment evenings at de Oorsprong are meant for everyone who received their latest Reiki degree from one of the Reiki Masters working at ‘de Oorsprong’.

The Reiki treatment evenings are held during the week from 19h15 to about 21h45 at our Reiki-center in The Hague. Occasionally there is a treatment morning planned, from 10h15 to about 12h45.
The costs are € 10,=

The Reiki treatment evenings are given by Marcel Vis.

Prerequisite for participation
To honor the natural and valuable order of ‘Reiki is for yourself first and then for others’ and to ensure that through your own practice there is a sufficient flow of Reiki to give someone else a full-fledged treatment, we have a simple prerequisite for the treatment evenings.
The prerequisite for participation is that you give yourself a full treatment at least four times a week and have done so at least three weeks leading up to the treatment evening. (In case you participated in a Reiki class less than three weeks before the treatment evening, the last part doesn’t apply to you).

Please register ahead of time if you would like to participate in a Reiki treatment evening at ‘de Oorsprong’. You can register two days in advance at the latest. After registration we always send you a confirmation that we added you to the list (if you haven’t received a confirmation, please contact us)

Below is the schedule for Reiki treatment evenings and mornings at ‘de Oorsprong’.
See also our courses and activities schedule.


31 maart
11 april
26 april
7 mei
18 mei
1 juni
16 juni
28 juni
14 juli
27 juli


We also work together with Reiki Works

Reiki cursussen en behandelingen en spirituele winkel in Den Haag