Shop-appointment Spiritual shop de Oorsprong in Den Haag

nederlands-netherlands-flagSpiritual shop open by appointment

From March 24th to March 30th our shop will be closed due to course activities. However, we will be (limitedly) available during these days if you want to make an appointment for afterwards.

– Our spiritual shop in The Hague is by appointment, mainly because of a (healthy) allergy to perfume.
Next to this it seems that many customers experience it as very pleasant to shop privately. It takes little effort to make a call, but on the other hand there are many advantages.

> To lower the imaginary threshold…. if you have an appointment in our store, this does not mean that you are obliged to buy anything.

Useful information and requests for shopping appointment
– Because of the mentioned allergies we ask you not to wear any perfume, bodyspray or similar on the day you come to us. (A bit of deodorant is no problem).
– Normally we make appointments for half an hour. Do you think you need longer? Please indicate this when making the appointment.
– Payment can be in cash or by pin. Note: contactless / telephone payment or payment by Creditcard is not possible (so you need your bank card and pincode).
– In the unlikely event that you cannot come, we would greatly appreciate it if you let us know. We can often make someone else happy with the vacant space.

– If you do not want to or cannot come to our spiritual shop in The Hague, but you do need something, it is also possible to have it sent to you. For this you can call us on 070-4277835.
– Private shopping by appointment is sometimes also possible outside normal opening hours. We’ll just see what is possible together.

Click here to call us for an appointment (only works on smartphones) – Best available between 11h00 and 18h00 or just leave a message –

See also

Reiki cursussen en behandelingen en spirituele winkel in Den Haag