Ki Training

What is Ki?
Make a list of the necessities to live: food, shelter, water, clothing, oxygen. Anything missing? Yes, Ki! Something so essential to life that we often forget it.
Ki is the Japanese word for life force, life energy, that which flows (called Chi in Chinese). Our own personal Ki is a piece of the life energy of the universe, surrounded by our bodies.
Your Ki is your inner centre, the source of power within yourself. When your Ki is in balance and you use this power consciously and appropriately, you’re a unity of body and mind and your inner strength is increased. There’s also a greater connection with the source of all life. Ki is the nourishing and connecting force for body and spirit, our natural state of being.
Using your Ki
If your Ki is balanced and flowing, you’re both physically and mentally healthy and fit, you’re completely relaxed and comfortable with yourself. If your Ki stagnates, it leads to weariness, poor health, depression and feeling unbalanced. Ki is comparable to the battery of a car. If it is used, it will also recharge. The Ki we use every day is replenished with the Ki from the universe. If we do not use our Ki, it will weaken. Ki is essential to be able to function and to be able to live.

The Training
During the Ki Training you learn through simple and fun exercises what it means to live from your Ki. You learn the difference between living calmness (real relaxation) and dead calmness (weakness) and that relaxation is many times more powerful than strain. You can immediately experience what it means when your body and mind are a unity. What it means to be ‘in your power’, truly firmly grounded within your actions and to radiate positive energy. You learn the effect of your own thoughts. Not in the future, but what effect they have on you here and now. This makes the difference between a positive and negative attitude to life even clearer and you’ll immediately experience how this relates to your inner strength and balance. All the things you learn this day, you can directly apply in your life.
The result of Ki Training
The exercises that teach you how to use your Ki give you an easy tool to live more and more in the present without too much effort and to increase your quality of attention for the moment. The result of living in your Ki is a deeper happiness, better health, more energy and a relaxed life. By applying your Ki in your daily life you can live more consciously and more in line with your natural strength. You’re more balanced and achieve your goals more easily, with respect for yourself and others. It’s easier to stay conscious and to be your Self, also in the more difficult moments and stress and feelings such as ‘I’m being lived’ can be reversed in a strong calmness. ‘Negative’ attitudes of other people lose their grip on you.

What’s the origin of Ki Training?
Ki Training is derived from the Japanese defence art Ki-Aikido. Morihei Ueshiba developed this art, with the basic philosophy: respect for – and unification with yourself, your fellow beings and nature. So no struggle, but harmony and love. One of his pupils, Koichi Tohei, after a lifetime of training, developed the Ki Training for Western people to make body and mind one and to apply Ki without having to practice Ki-Aikido.
Where, when and by who?
The Ki Training in our Reikicentre in The Hague is given by Marcel Vis, who has studied for may years with Hans Slutter. After Hans Slutter passed away in 2008, Marcel continued to immerse himself in the lessons of Koichi Tohei.
The training is usually given in The Hague on a Saturday or Sunday from 10h15 to about 18h00 and is accessible to everyone.
The costs for the Ki Training are € 125, =.
The training is usually given in Dutch, but translation or training in English and/or other locations is possible after consultation.
If you want more information about the Ki Training, please contact us by telephone.
Below you will find the dates of the next Ki Trainings.
See also the Planning courses and activities.
13 april
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