Gemstones and Fossils collection
Our Spiritual shop in The Hague is open by appointment – read more here. To have something send to you is also possible.
Extensive collection
At the bottom of this page you can find the complete collection of gemstones, minerals, crystals and fossils that we sell in our spiritual shop in The Hague. Of many kinds we offer different shapes and sizes, for example: rough and polished, pendants, earrings, spheres, eggs, hearts, bracelets, donuts, jewelry, etc.
We always offer a couple of unique pieces of gemstones in our shop as well.
And more
Spiritual shop ‘de Oorsprong’ is a small and cozy shop where, even though it is not a very big shop, you will find the complete collection of gemstones as listed below.
There is always a possibility that we have added new gemstones to the collection which are not yet mentioned on our website. Are you looking for a gemstone, mineral or fossil that is not listed here? Please feel free to contact us by phone.
Besides the pictures shown within the list below, you will find a photo gallery on the page Gemstones & Fossils to give you an impression of what we sell in our shop (please note: the colors may vary a lot depending on what type of screen you are using).
When you purchase a gemstone from us, you will receive a small card with a description of its healing properties if you are interested.
Only genuine gemstones and names
We don’t sell lasered, painted, man-made, programmed or synthetic gemstones and no glass, plastic, etc. either. You will not find names such as Andara Obsidian/blue Obsidian (=colored glass) Aqua aura (chemically treated/destroyed Rock crystal) or Azeztuliet in the list below. However, there is a possibility that we do sell the gemstone you are looking for under its official name (and therefore probably much cheaper as well :-))
These are the Gemstones and Fossils we sell in our shop (Fossils are mentioned at the end of the list):
Abalone Shell
Agate – Australian Agate
Agate – Banded agate
Agate – Black (Onyx)
Agate – Blue lace
Agate – Camel Agate
Agate – Dendritic Agate
Agate – Fire agate
Agate – Moss agate
Agate – Tree agate
Agate – White (Peace Agate)
Almandine (Garnet)
Amazonite with black Tourmaline

Amber with fossil insect
Amethyst with Chalcedony
Amethyst quartz
Andean Opal, blue
Andean Opal, pink
Angelite (Blue Anhydrite)
Anhydrite, blue (Angelite)
Antigorite (Serpentine)
Anyolite (green Zoisite)
Apache Tears (Obsidian)
Apache Tears with Mahogany Obsidian
Apophyllite with Stilbite
Apophyllite, green

Apophyllite, green with Stilbite
Aquamarine (Blue Beryl)
Aquamarine with Morganite
Aventurine, blue
Aventurine, green
Aventurine, red
Banded Agate
Banded Ironstone
Baryte with Vanadinite
Beryl, blue (Aquamarine)
Beryl, green (Emerald)
Beryl, pink (Morganite)
Bloodstone = Hematite or Heliotrope
Bornite (natural)
Boulder Opal

Calcite, Blue
Calcite, Champagne
Calcite, Green
Calcite, Honey
Calcite, Mangano
Calcite, Orange
Calcite, Red
Calcite, white / transparent
Camel Agate
Carnelian, dark brown (Sarder)
Celestine (Celestite), blue

Celestine (Celestite), colorless
Chalcedony, blue
Chalcedony, blue lace
Chalcedony, pink
Chalcedony – Chrome chalcedony
Chalcedony – Dendritic Agate
Champagne Calcite

Chiastolite (Cross stone)
Chlorite (Chlinochlor)
Chlorite Jade (Seraphinite)
Chrome Chalcedony
Chromium Diopside
Chrysocolla with Cuprite
Chrysocolla with Malachite
Chrysolite (Peridot / Olivine)
Citrine (real ***)
Coral, Petrified
Cordierite (Iolite / Dichroite)
Cross stone (Chiastolite)
Cuprite with Chrysocolla
Cyanite, Blue (Distheen)

Dendrite Chalcedony
Desert rose (Mexico and Sahara)
Dichroite (Cordierite / Iolite)
Diopside – Chrome Diopside
Dioptase (from Tsumeb)
Disthene, blue (Kyanite)
Dolomite, pink
Dravite (Tourmaline)

Elbaite (Tourmaline)
Emerald (Green Beryl)
Epidote (Unakite)
Epidote with Prehnite
Falcon’s eye
Ferrosilite (Hypersthene)
Fire Agate
Fire Opal
Fluorite, blue
Fluorite, green
Fluorite, multi-colored
Fluorite, pink
Fluorite, purple
Fluorite, yellow
Garnet, brown (Almandine)
Garnet, brown-orange (Hessonite)
Garnet, green (Grossular)
Garnet, red (Pyrope)

Garnet, red-brown (Spessartine)
Girasol (Opalescent Quartz)
Girasol (Opalescent Quartz), pink
Glaucophane – Pyrite – Quartz Cluster
Golden healer (Hematite-Rock crystal)
Golden Labradorite (Bytownite)
Golden Sheen Obsidian
Golden Tektite (Libyan desert glass)
Golden Topaz
Golden triangle **
Grossular (Garnet)
Halite (salt crystal)
Hematite-Rock crystal (golden healer)
Herkimer Diamond

Hessonite (Garnet)
Honey Calcite
Hypersthene (Ferrosilite)
Indicolite (Tourmaline)
Iolite (Cordierite / Dichroite)
Iron-Nickel Meteorite (Campo del C.) *
Iron-Nickel Meteorite (Sikhote-Alin) *
Ironstone, Banded
Jade, blue (Jadeite)

Jade, green (Jadeite)
Jadeite, blue
Jadeite, green
Jasper, Breccie
Jasper, Kambaba Jasper ** (Ryolite)
Jasper – Landscape Jasper (Picture)
Jasper – Leopard skin Jasper
Jasper – Ocean Jasper (Ryolite)
Jasper – Orbicular Jasper (Ryolite)
Jasper – Polychrome Jasper

Jasper, Poppy (Ocean Jasper)
Jasper, red
Jasper, red with Petrified Wood
Jasper, variegated
Jasper, yellow / beige
Jet (Gagates)
Kambaba Jasper ** (Ryolite)
Kunzite (pink Spodumene)
Kyanite, blue (Disthene)

Labradorite, Gold (Bytownite)
Labradorite, white (rainbow Moonstone)
Landscape Jasper
Lapis lazuli
Larimar (Blue Pectolite)
Lavender Quartz
Lemurian Seed Crystal
Leopard skin Jasper
Lepidolite with Muscovite
Libyan Desert Glass (Gold Tektite)
Lizardite (Serpentine)
Lizardite (Serpentine) with Chromite
Mahogany Obsidian
Mahogany Obsidian with Apache Tears

Malachite with Chrysocolla
Mangano Calcite
Meteorite, Iron Nickel (Campo del C.) *
Meteorite, Iron Nickel (Sikhote-Alin) *
Moldavite *
Moonstone, Rainbow Moonstone
Morganite (Pink Beryl)
Morganite with Aquamarine
Moss agate
Muscovite with Lepidolite
Nephrite (Kidney stone)

Obsidian, black
Obsidian – Apache Tears
Obsidian – Golden Sheen Obsidian
Obsidian – Mahogany Obsidian
Obsidian – Mahogany with Apache Tears
Obsidian – Rainbow Obsidian

Snowflake Obsidian
Obsidian – Silver Sheen Obsidian
Ocean Jasper (Rhyolite)
Olivine (Peridot / Chrysolite)
Onyx (Black Agate)
Onyx – Sardonyx
Opal, blue (Oregon)
Opal, green

Opal – white (Noble) Opal / Milk opal
Opal – Andean Opal
Opal – blue Andean Opal
Opal – pink Andean Opal
Opal – Boulder Opal
Opal – Chrysopal
Opal – Oregon Opal
Opal – Fire Opal
Opal quartz (Girasol)

Orbicular Jasper (Rhyolite)
Orthoclase (golden Orthoclase)
Peace Agate (White Agate)
Pearl (freshwater Pearl)
Pectolite, blue (Larimar)
Peridot (Olivine / Chrysolite)
Petrified Coral
Petrified Palm wood
Petrified Wood
Petrified Wood from Hampton Bute
Petrified Wood with Chalcedony
Petrified Wood with Red Jasper
Picasso Jasper
Picture Jasper

Polychrome Jasper
Poppy Jasper (Ocean Jasper)
Prasiolite (natural)
Precious Opal, white
Prehnite with Epidote
Pyrite Sun
Pyrite – Chalcopyrite
Pyrite, Glaucophane on Quartz Cluster
Pyrope (Garnet)
Rainbow Moonstone

Rainbow Obsidian
Rhyolite (Orbicular / Ocean Jasper)
Rock crystal
Rock crystal with Chlorite/Clinochlore
Rock crystal-Hematite (Golden healer)
Rose quartz

Rubellite (Tourmaline)
Ruby in Zoisite
Rutile quartz, clear
Rutile quartz, golden
Rutile quartz, red
Rutile in Smoky Quartz
Ryolite (Kambaba jasper **)
Salt crystal (Halite)
Sapphire, blue
Sapphire, yellow
Sard (dark brown Carnelian)
Schorl (Tourmaline)

Seraphinite (Chlorite Jade)
Serpentine (Antigorite)
Serpentine (Lizardite) with Chromite
Silver sheen Obsidian
Smoky quartz
Smoky quartz with Rutile
Smoky quartz with golden Rutile
Smoky quartz with black Tourmaline
Smoky quartz with Hematite and Rutile

Snowflake Obsidian
Sonoran Sunset (Chrysocolla-Cuprite)
Spectrolite (top Labradorite)
Spessartine (Garnet)
Sphalerite (Zinc Blende)
Spodumene (colorless Kunzite)
Spodumene, pink (Kunzite)
Stilbite[/one_third]Stilbite with Apophyllite
Stilbite with Green Apophyllite

Tanzanite (blue zoisite)
Tektite, gold (Libyan desert glass)
Tektite, green (Moldavite)
Thulite (pink Zoisite)
Tiger Iron

Tiger’s Eye
Topaz, blue
Topaz, golden
Topaz, white
Tourmaline quartz
Tourmaline, black (Schorl)
Tourmaline, blue (Indigolite)
Tourmaline, brown (Dravite)
Tourmaline, green (Verdelite)
Tourmaline, multicolored
Tourmaline, red or pink (Rubellite)
Tourmaline, Watermelon tourmaline

Tourmaline (black) in Smoky Quartz
Tree agate
Unakite (Epidote)
Vanadinite with Baryte

Verdelite (Tourmaline)
Watermelon Tourmaline
Zinc Blende (Sphalerite)
Zoisite, blue (Tanzanite)
Zoisite, green (Anyolite)
Zoisite, pink (Thulite)
Zoisite (Anyolite) with Ruby
Amber with Fossil insect *
different types, including: ….
– Cleoniceras sp.
– Hildoceras propeserpentinum

– Ataxioceras sp.
– Perisphinctes plicatilis
– Lithacoceras planalatum
Fish Fossil (Dastilbe sp.) *
Fish Fossil on plate *
. (Knightia eocena en Priscacara serata)
Globidens sp. teeth *
Goniatite (Goniatites sp.) *
Mosasaurus sp., Teeth *
Nautilus (Cymatoceras sp.) *
Orthoceras (Orthoceras sp.) *
Petrified Coral
Petrified Wood, including
– Petrified Palm wood
– Petrified Wood, green (Oregon)

Sea urchin (Clypeaster sp.)
Shark Teeth Fossil (Otidens sp.) *
Shell Fossil
Shrimp Fossil
Trilobite * including:
– Elrathia kingi
– Calymene tristani
* Because these gems and fossils are faked more often than others, you will receive a certificate of authenticity with it (in Dutch).
** the golden triangle has become a more common name for the combination of Rock crystal, Amethyst and Rose quartz.
*** We only sell real/natural Citrine. Not the orange-yellow burnt Amethyst (the latter also has no properties because the stone has actually been ‘destroyed’ in the laboratory)